
Chemnitzer FC

( is a soccer club in the highest amateur league in germany 3rd division and former gdr national champion.

Zwickauer Str. 116

The museum of industry can be found a little way out from the city centre maps of the city centre can be got from the tourist information shop, in the front of the town hall. much of chemnitz's industrial heritage is detailed here with several working peices of machinery and an old fireless steam engine. there is also a souvenir shop and restaurant.


Chemnitz has several cinemas dotted around the city. The majority of films will be in German it is Germany!.These cinemas include:

CineStar ( - Luxor Filmpalast, Hartmannstrasse 9 - 11, 09111 Chemnitz. +49 (0 371 69 04 920)

CineStar - Der Filmpalast am Roten Turm, Neumarkt 2, 09111 Chemnitz. +49 (0 371 69 04 90) +49 (0 371 69 04 99 program guide)

CineStar - Der Filmpalast im Vita Center, Wladimir-Sagorski-Strasse 20, 09122 Chemnitz. +49 (0 371 6 90 44 44)

Metropol Filmtheater (http://www.metropol-chemn...) - Zwickauer Straße 11, 09112 Chemnitz. +49 (0 371 30 46 04) E-Mail: [email protected]

Clubkino Siegmar - Zwickauer Straße 425, 09117 Chemnitz. +49 (0 371 85 19 71) E-Mail: [email protected]